British Heart Foundation
Our vision is a world free from the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. We raise money to research cures and treatments, so we can beat heartbreak forever. We fund over £100 million of research each year into all heart and circulatory diseases and the things that cause them; heart diseases, stroke, vascular dementia, diabetes; they're all connected, and they're all under our microscope. <SEND>

Heart attacks that strike without warning, strokes that shatter futures, newborn babies born with broken hearts. These are just some of the cruelties of cardiovascular disease. And the brutal reality is, there is so much more for science to discover before we can beat the world's biggest killers.
That's why British Heart Foundation exists. Funding research is how we change the game. And we all have a role to play. The tools we have at our disposal today - from heart transplants and pacemakers to stents and portable defibrillators - are all down to research. Research made possible by people like you.
When we join forces, we can make the impossible possible. We can take the best and brightest ideas from scientists' minds and help turn them into treatments you can get at your GP. We can make theories on pages jump into reality. Our research can save your life and your family's lives.