LGBT+ North East
If you are a young person and identify as LGBT+ in the North East we provide friendly and practical support. If you need real, friendly practical support around sexuality and/or gender we can help. <SEND>

Sapphire House, I E S Centre, Horndale Avenue, Aycliffe Business Park, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 6DS
Telephone number:
LGBT+ website

We can help with:
- one to one session with our experienced team
- sexual health guidance
- support to access clinical gender identity services
- the opportunity to meet other young people to share experiences
- support for your family either one to one or together
- hate crime reporting
- fun activities, such as sailing, meals, climbing etc. in a space space
- if you are under 16 you will need consent from your parents to access this service
Last modified on 12 February 2024